Heisenberg formulates the uncertainty principle in 1927 and thus becomes a pioneer in quantum mechanics. He soon enters into contact with the leading nuclear physicists. He init- ially obtains his doctorate under Arnold Sommerfeld and then works as an assistant to Max Born in Göttingen.
In the post-war period, many Max Planck Society (MPG) scientists had vivid memories of Harnack House. Many still felt an association with its predecessor organization, the Kaiser Wilhelm Society (KWG), and the Statutes of the MPG founded in 1948 stated that the “Max Planck Society was continuing the tradition of the Kaiser Wilhelm Society”.
Otto Hahn (1879 – 1968) was the first President of the Max Planck Society, which was founded in 1948 from the ruins of the Kaiser Wilhelm Society and whose principal site was in Berlin-Dahlem.
The Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science is an independent, non-profit research organization. It was founded on February 26, 1948, and is the successor organization to the Kaiser Wilhelm Society, which was established in 1911.